Intial Ideas

I didnt know whether to begin by looking for a narrative to illustrate with photographs or persue a photoshoot I have had in mind for while and find some appropriate narrative to accompany it. I started by looking into music and picking out songs I like but the problem I had with most of these was that the visual images that the songs conjure up are ones from the official music videos and it is very hard to think differently to how they have already been illustrated. I then looked into various other texts such as:the witches passage from Shakespeares Macbeth , Bunny and Yolanda’s conversation in the movie Pulp Fiction and the opening scene from the movie ‘Thirteen” . I really like all of these texts which I picked out but I found it hard to fit in 15 images around them.

I then decided to do something I am interested in at the moment which is the concept of youth and what it means and this goes really well with a song that I find quite emoitional because it makes me feel pretty depressed, the song is Forever Young by Jay-Z and Mr.Hudson, I am going to use this as my narrative for the 15 images.


My favourite photographer, Jolijn Sniders started the online magazine ILOVEFAKE and it has been the reason to why I have decided to persue my interest in meaning of youth.

Lucy Carr-Ellison – a photographers work that I want to do

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